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Blended and syncopated unique Isochronic waveforms for hypnotic meditations to influence physiology, neurology and psychology.
Attuned to waveforms which guide and influence mood and encourage suggestiveness in harmony with aural influencers.
Balanced aromas compliment, relax and enhance the multiple layers of suggestion therapy. This enables anchoring and develops triggered responses to elevate the sessions.
Deepening relaxation and receptiveness, anchoring and enabling fast and effective activation of new suggestions.
Affected at key change cycles to further embed positivity, cleanse and reinvigorate the senses.
Cumulative impact upon consciousness within place. An opportunity to function on multiple levels within environment and time.
Phasma Hypnosis incorporates traditional hypnotherapy techniques but adds additional dimensions to enhance the experience - creating lasting positive change.
The simultaneous occurrence of events which apparently have no clear cause but are deeply meaningful. Coincidences appear random, looking carefully into life, this is not so.
Suspension of our everyday reality for a limited time in order to create a managed other reality in which we make the changes required to manifest upon the psyche.
Enhanced feelings of safety, comfort and elevation. Guided meditative practices within which a creative and productive environment is encouraged.
Crafting an inner environment and attitude for developing the transition between aspiration and achievement.
Enabling and encouraging the review of place, time and state in order to plan, grow and nurture new skills, practices and conscious/sub-conscious balance.
Phasma Hypnosis
Copyright © 2022-2025 Phasma Hypnosis TM. All Rights Reserved.
Phasma Holdings Limited
Essendon, Hatfield. Hertfordshire. United Kingdom
Phasma Hypnosis Registered Trademark UK00003567556